Unlock the Secrets of Seduction with SEXPIONAGE

Transform Your Dating Life with Covert Seduction Skills Never Shared Before

Watch the video above for more, but to summarize, Sexpionage will share secrets to seduction that, to my knowledge, have never been shared before to the public in this manner. This takes you beyond pick up artist skills. This will allow you to target the motivations and sexual triggers of your “target,” causing her to fall in love with you.

When you have these skills, attracting and seducing women becomes predictable and repeatable. Regardless of your looks or your status.

Get the Course for $500

Sexpionage: Master seduction and sexual triggers.

Drawing inspiration from the world of espionage.

Learn the covert skills taught behind close doors with the worlds elite tacticians of persuasion.

Transform your approach to relationships and communication withtechniques that have remained exclusive until now.

Join our 1 Year Mastermind

And get the Course for Free!

1 Year Mastermind

Developing yourself through a course can only get you so far.

Imagine taking weekly group coaching calls with me. Learning side by side with others and joining a community of highly ambitious and men dedicated to their development.


Sexpionage will share secrets to seduction that, to my knowledge, have never been shared before to the public in this manner. This takes you beyond pick up artist skills. This will allow you to target the motivations and sexual triggers of your “target,” causing her to fall in love with you.

When you have these skills, attracting and seducing women becomes predictable and repeatable. Regardless of your looks or your status.

For centuries there have been spy’s and masters of the art of espionage and seduction who have been trained to meet a specific woman of interest, make her fall in love, and then exploit her for her government connections. And these spy’s weren’t superstuds driving supercars. They weren’t 6 feet tall with six pack abs with 6 and 7 figures in the bank. They were rather ordinary in looks and in status, but they knew how to seduce.

Now I’m not going to train you to do nefarious things against any government. That’s not the point of the course. However it just so happens that these same “covert operative” skills in seduction used ETHICALLY can be the greatest thing you’ll ever learn to have an amazing dating life and incredible relationships. You can have the kind of relationships and experiences that most people dream about but never achieve.

In this unique program, you will discover the subtle ways to read her signals, plant seeds of desire, and rapidly create a deep emotional and sexual connection that will anchor to her subconscious mind and imagination, making her unable to resist from wanting you.


These skills can be DANGEROUS in the wrong hands. Myself and my staff will take precautions to ensure these skills don’t end up in the hands of anyone who would harm others with them. And I will also go over how to use these skills ethically so you don’t harm yourself. If you do the work, you will have a lot of power that you must use responsibly.

“Sexpionage” will be delivered through course material, and a series of live zoom calls for skills practice and development. You will also have access to the Sexpionage community for exchanging notes and asking questions.


Paul Benjamin

Paul Janulis, rogue expert in human behavior and psychology has made remarkable contributions in areas of relationship and sexual dynamics and personal development. By focusing on the brains role in shaping thought patterns and behavior

(and on how that can happen in reverse)

Paul has helped thousands of people make rapid and permanent changes for the better.

Driven by a desire to help others unlock the full potential their minds and relationships, through his unique blend of neuroscience, and behavioral, persuasion, and sexual psychology, Paul has guided countless individuals to overcome mental barriers, achieve their goals, and have amazing relationships and experiences.

His compassionate yet results-driven approach has earned his a reputation as one of the most sought-after mindset coaches in the world.

Get the Course for $500

Sexpionage: Master seduction and sexual triggers.

Drawing inspiration from the world of espionage.

Learn the covert skills taught behind close doors with the worlds elite tacticians of persuasion.

Transform your approach to relationships and communication withtechniques that have remained exclusive until now.

Join our 1 Year Mastermind

And get the Course for Free!

1 Year Mastermind

Developing yourself through a course can only get you so far.

Imagine taking weekly group coaching calls with me. Learning side by side with others and joining a community of highly ambitious and men dedicated to their development.

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